Income Guarantee for Bloggers

We know Blogging (OUR WAY) is 100 PERCENT PROVEN to make money.  We are so certain that we will personally guarantee it and back it up with CASH… $500!

Income Guarantee

Post Ads with your Performance Blogging System as taught and instructed here – and if you do not make money within 90 days from when your Performance Blogging System is Fully Set up (according to the rules below) and you are doing the minimum posting requirements, We will pay you $500.


  1. You must have a Performance Blogging System from and through us directly (INFO HERE)
  2. You must set it up in accordance with the Training as provided on Blogging and Advanced Blogging.  You need to have your own Affiliate Links throughout the pages.  And you must have modified each of the page by at least 30% – adding in additional content (words and info) for each offer page.
  3. You must set up with Google Adsense and have it added to your site as instructed.  And it needs to be in place at least 90 days.
  4. You must set up with ResponseMagic and have it added to your site as instructed, and you need to have at least 20 email messages loaded up for 60 days of messages to go out to your subscribers.
  5. You must have a minimum of 3 Anchor Offers Set up and a minimum of 14 Categories represented in your Performance Blogging System.
  6. You must notify your Performance Blogging Instructor through Skype that your site is ready so they can acknowledge you are set and ready with your site.  Then go to work posting ads directing the ads to go to your Offer Pages.
  7. You must be adding new Offer Pages, and be adding at least 1 a week.  This is for any Category, or even un-Categorized as trained here: Build up Profits with Content.
  8. You must post on at least 25 different posting sites for 4-5 hours a week (and have it logged in a document or spreadsheet).  You need to be posting at least 10 offers on each posting site, per week.  You must use posting sites in addition to the ones found on the Free Traffic Sites page that come from Sites you find, or from using:
  9. You must have at least 10 posts to your Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIN Social Media sites on a Monthly Basis. This is all covered with your Mentor in 1 on 1 Instruction. And it is constantly updating with Weekly Training.

If you follow all those rules, you should be making money and loving us…  but if you do that and you are not making money – We Will Pay You $500 CASH directly.

Either way – you stand to gain in creating an online income through Blogging (OUR WAY) or you stand to gain $500.  Start Blogging Now!  NO EXCUSES – let’s do this!

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