Social Media Marketing

First and foremost, there is not enough I can cover on how important this is. Social Media Marketing is not going anywhere but up. More and more time is spent on Social Media Platforms vs just about any other Media Form. Television views vs Social Media is 1 to 3 in time ratios. This is not a TREND – it is a full indication of where things are and are going.

Be sure to CLICK on each ICON below and join my networks. You’ll not only see how I use them, but you’ll be seeing a regular source of offers and direction that I take – and you are welcome to replicate and follow it yourself.

twitterTWITTER: You can build a following, and post your ads. As you get a NEW AD/Template – you can send out your link. Also it is great to share your BLOG (at least 2 times a week) so as to drive visits to your handiwork.

fb4FACEBOOK: This is a great place, and you should already have an account here (This is probably the #1 Social Media Platform). Again – this too is a great place to promote and share your Blog Site. It is an indirect way to share offers and ideas, and whatever else you are adding to your BLOG.

Google+ (This and YOUTUBE) come with any account. You just need to activate them. By doing so you are part of what very well may become the Largest Social Media network. Google is big… so is everything that interacts with Google. Be sure to get involved and get connected with Circles… you have some fun ahead!

linkedinLinkedIN. This is a Professional Social Media platform. Great for networking, and for looking for work, employment and in showcasing your offers and Blog Site. It is also great for those involved in SOCIABLE as we are looking for decision makers that are up to date with the necessity of Social Media Marketing.

pinterestPinterest. Great for “Pinning” and you can create folders (Called “Boards”) for collections or similar objects. This is a place where posting photos related to your offers is key. You then have them link to your BLOG SITE or BLOG PAGES (where you highlight an offer). Do this right and you have a method to bring in VIRAL traffic to your Blog Site.

Social Media Marketing INSTAGRAM: This is one of the most relevant and effective forms of Social Media. Having a Solution for Instagram Marketing is an absolute Must. This is an extension of Facebook and is becoming vastly the largest Social Media outlet.

When you get going into the training with your 1 on 1 Support, we will be guiding you through all of these and the latest and trending directions in Social Media.

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